George Cruikshank


Sites and online resources pertaining to George Cruikshank and his art.

George Cruikshank

A short but informative article about the life and career of George Cruikshank.

George Cruikshank Galleries

A listing of various museums and art galleries displaying the works of George Cruikshank.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The MET has a small but significant collection of illustrations by George Cruikshank. Some can be viewed online.


A biography and critique of Cruikshank's art written by William Makepeace Thackeray in 1840. Published online by Pennsylvania State University.

Wikipedia Commons

An assortment of caricatures and illustrations by George Cruikshank at Wikipedia Commons.

BBC Podcast

A BBC podcast about George Cruikshank, the original illustrator of Fagin in Oliver Twist.